Vital Database Plugins for Custom WordPress Development


WordPress database plugins are helpful in keeping the information available on your website safe from several threats. Besides protecting your website, optimization of the website database is another crucial thing for which the WordPress Database plugins are used. Here, you can find out the 5 best WordPress database plugins for your website that should be used in Custom WordPress Development.

Best WordPress Database Plugins to be used by Custom WordPress Development Services Company in 2023

Now, it is high time for checking out the best database plugins for WordPress websites.

UpdraftPlus - We have UpdraftPlus first on this list. It is a majorly renowned plugin that aids you in backing up the content of your website. Apart from this, your themes, the primary files on your site, databases, plugins, etc. are also kept there. In addition to this, the plugin makes instant backup restoration enabled from the WordPress admin interface. Your sensitive database data, for instance, a list of users, customer login information, etc. might be encrypted with UpdraftPlus. In this plugin, an industry-standard AES encryptor is built for simplifying database management.

WP-Optimize - If you are searching for an efficient WordPress database plugin, WP-Optimize is another good choice for Custom WordPress Development Services. It is a commendable plugin for enhancing the speed and performance of your website. It compresses images, caches the pages, and cleans and optimizes the database for bringing improvement to your site. There are 12 optimization types that are included in this plugin that you may opt to execute simultaneously and separately. These comprise unapproved comment deletion, table optimization, and post-revision cleanup.

WP Reset - WP Reset is the next WordPress database plugin that we are having in our list and it can also be used by WordPress Development Company India. WP Reset plugin proves to be a good solution in those cases when there is a necessity to reset the entire WordPress website. For those files that appear unnecessary, WP Reset aids you in deleting those. It scans comments, posts, tables, and other details of your database. You will have entire authority over which of those you are desired to delete. You must keep in your mind that it is a long-term fix for getting rid of particular components of your website totally.

WP-Sweep - If you want a faster website, you are required to make it free from unnecessary data using WooCommerce Development Services India and WP-Sweep might aid you in exactly doing that by removing auto drafts, revisions, spam components, and much more. This plugin comes free and it is also perfect for an effective and swift way to push away the mess. This plugin is majorly simple and sleek with just one function. It is entirely up to you what the plugin cleans up. There are not any additional complicated settings for which you should get concerned.

BackWPUp - We are not at all desire to miss the name of BackWPUp as our next best database plugin for WordPress. This is also the plugin that is usable for Best WordPress Development Company. You may opt for downloading the database with just one click by making use of this plugin. It is a highly efficient WordPress database plugin that can aid your website is being protected from unexpected crashes. You may opt for creating a backup of all the website data along with crucial information. There is an advanced scheduler feature in this plugin for creating a detailed backup. You may opt for choosing particular contents for backup also. For more visit Raghwendra

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